Session 9: 2024-07-01

  1. The party wakes up from their collective dream they had all shared with Ublesk, their unconscious patient who had willingly decided to stay within the Limited Infinity.
  2. The spell cast by the gnoll chieftain the previous day had worn off overnight, leaving the party feeling tired and sluggish.
  3. The storms of caused by tears in reality between the prime material and the Limited Infinity continue to linger in the sky, and likely will until they are dealt with.
  4. Continuing on their journey, the party struggles to make progress, advancing much slower than previously
  5. They come upon a fishbowl-like dip between several hills. The area is quite obviously magical, the verdant grass a stark contrast from the withering remnants in the surrounding area.
  6. Wary of this, the adventurers venture in, and it doesn’t take long for them to come upon a dining table laden with food and drink, and enough seats for each member. At the head of the table is one unlike the others, with a multi-tiered arm rest
  7. A spellweaver appears from nowhere. They introduce themself, stating that the Prime spellweaver itself had asked it to converse with the party
  8. They state that the party has been caught up in a misunderstanding that they wish to discuss
  9. The spellweaver speaks of the deal it’s kind made with Page, the dangerous elf the party are on their way to stop. They took more than their fair share, learning how to create the abominations that have been originating from her cabin to the west
  10. They mention the party already has part of what they need, the ornate scroll case we had found within the mines we had freed the gnolls of Clan Blighteye from. The puzzle they are faced with is one that originates from even before their own kind, and that adding the fresh perspective of humanity may help.
  11. The spellweaver, when asked about its involvement with the Lord of Worms, mentions that their involvement with that creature will soon draw to an end.
  12. Finally, it states its request: that when the party finds the golden scroll that Page holds, to place it within the scroll case and leave it behind for the spellweavers to collect. In return, the spellweavers will leave the party alone, and they can coexist.
  13. It is obvious they are holding something back, several lies of omission.
  14. They say that the scroll is of no use to the party, who sense that this is a misleading answer.
  15. The spellweaver leaves the party to discuss and come to a decision, promising that they will have no way to eavesdrop.
  16. After the party decides to decline the offer, the spellweaver continues, trying to provide information that might persuade the party to reconsider, speaking of how Page gained the ability to combine creatures in ways that are far more complex than they should be able to, a gift they had intended for her to use only while in their employ. She has stitched together creatures from many places, one of her most dangerous being a hybrid of cockatrices, possessing their ability to turn foes to stone.
  17. They also give the party ten perfectly spherical globes of glass, with liquid within that will turn to gas and apply the Stone to Flesh effect to anything it comes in contact with.
  18. Finally, it asks us to reconsider when we find the scroll, and it disappears at the same time as the illusion does, leaving the party standing atop a hill in the middle of the Kessel Forest.
  19. The party stops for the night, knowing that as soon as the morning comes, they simply must crest the next hill to see the field where Page resides.