Session 0: 2024-04-29

  1. The adventurers found themselves together again on the Ethereal Plane in the Limited Infinity.
  2. The Limited Infinity would prove to be proof that chat was trapped in a demi plane that was placed between the Prime Material & the Ethereal: a ruse to cause confusion amongst the players.
  3. A creature later identified as a spellweaver projected itself into the “Prison Realm” to convince the players they were better off staying
  4. Sue willed herself into a hug with the spellweaver as it retreated, it's retreat leaving a tear in the plane back to the prime material plane, revealing the adventurers' bodies laid out on stone slabs with small, malformed creatures1) next to each with their hands over the head of each.
  5. The adventurers take the portals through, finding themselves in a large room with about 200 bodies lying on slabs with the same creatures over them.
  6. Regaining their physical bodies, they attack the spellweaver.
  7. With the spellweaver's defeat, all the creatures over the prone bodies fleeing, the bodies beginning to convulse and start to die.
  8. Sue used the power of love! Spreading wound powder through the air2), and calliing on “The Love of a Parent!”, the bodies still as the healing powder settles over them.
  9. The spellweaver drops a key, allowing the party to open the large slate door keeping them within, a steep tunnel leading to the surface on the other side.
  10. The Lord of Worms speaks to them as they defeat it and head towards the exit, saying they earned his respect but that he is here to stay and that are they still his.
Just little creatures…
healing farts